Palestinarekin Elkartasuna!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

Basque translation:

Solidarity with Palestine!

We will not be complicit with colonization


Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

On Saturday in Ordizia, Basque Country, BDS Euskal Herria (Basque Country) launched a campaign calling on the Basque company CAF to withdraw from an Israeli government  project to expand the Jerusalem light rail (JLR) serving Israel’s illegal settlements in and around East Jerusalem, in the occupied Palestinian territory. 

With 60 people from diverse Basque civil society groups in attendance at the Barrena Palace, organizers shared the campaign statement, which had already been signed by over 70 Basque groups. The statement describes the JLR project as “a new attack on the rights of the Palestinian people” and calls on CAF to “comply with international law, withdraw from the Jerusalem Tram project and thus end complicity in the occupation of Palestine.” The statement notes that, “Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal under international law as they violate the Fourth Geneva Convention.”