The Call of Peoples Liberty

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

French translation:
Fadel al Dani
Assistant director of the PLO office in France
(text at bottom)
A Palestinian assassinated in Paris for a cause that concerns you:
The call of peoples liberty

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

July 23— A Palestinian guerrilla leader was killed here today when three men tossed a bomb into his car as he was leaving for work. Fadel el-Dani, deputy director of the Palestine Liberation Organization's office in Paris, was starting his car outside his home in southeastern Paris when the men drew alongside in another car and threw the bomb through an open window, witnesses said. The blast, seen by dozens of drivers and pedestrians, killed the 38-year-old Mr. Dani instantly and destroyed the car, but nobody else was hurt, the police said. The P.L.O. immediately blamed Israeli agents for the assassination. But the Israeli Embassy issued a statement denying that Israel had had anything to do with the killing, the latest of a series of attacks over the last decade on Palestinian officials in France and other countries. The P.L.O.'s Paris director, Ibrahim Souss, said he had no doubt that the Israeli secret service was behind the attack. Police Have Cited Feud ''I formally accuse Israel,'' he said on French television. ''The technique was similar to the one used against our deputy director in Rome last month.'' Mr. Souss denied reporters' suggestions that the killing could have stemmed from a feud among Palestinian factions. The police believe that such a feud has been behind the killing of several P.L.O. figures. Mr. Souss's predecessor in Paris, Ezzedine Kalak, was shot dead along with his deputy in 1978 by two Arab gunmen, who told the police that they were working for an Iraqi-backed hard-line faction. The two men were jailed. In a message to Farouk Kaddoumi, the P.L.O.'s chief foreign affairs official, External Relations Minister Claude Cheysson said today that the French Government would do everything in its power to find the killers of Mr. Dani. A Government statement denounced the killing. Mr. Dani recently asked for the removal of policemen who had been stationed outside his apartment, Mr. Souss said today. But neighbors said police patrols regularly checked the apartment, where Mr. Dani lived with his French wife and their five-month-old son.
Police sources said at least one witness had taken the number of the car used by Mr. Dani's killers. It was traced to a rental company, they said. Source: NYT