Who Is More Zionist?

Analysis / Interpretation / Press

This poster was designed by Gitit Brihtberg, a second year student in WIZO Design Academy in Haifa, under the guidance of Hayim Shtayer. In 2005 the forced evacuation of Israel settlements in Gaza Strip raised the possibility of an Israeli civil war. This poster addresses those tensions and portrays the two camps in tension: the ultra-nationalists who see the settlements as vital to the fulfillment of Israel's Zionist objectives and the majority of Israelis who see the settlements as a drain on the economy and a threat to Israel's security. This intra-Israeli conflict is depicted iconographically via the use of a US-made M16 rifle (on left) and the Israeli-made Uzi sub-machine gun (on right). The black star of David represents the artists' idea that the result of such a conflict must be the inevitable demise, or product, of Zionism. DW