God, Make This House Safe

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Bashar Khalaf was born in Ramallah in 1991. He obtained his BA degree in Fine Arts from Al-Quds University in 2013. His work “Shadow of the Shadow›› received the first award in the Young Artist of the Year Award organized by A.M. Qattan Foundation in Ramallah in 2014. This award helped him develop his work and allowed him to launch his career as a young artist. Currently, he works as a trainer and teacher in visual arts with several cultural institutions. He won the Ismail Shammout Award in 2015, and the State Order of Honor for Young Artists from the Palestinian Ministry of Culture in 2018.

He participated in several group exhibitions including an exhibition in Bon in Germany (2013); Suspended Accounts exhibition -as part of the Young Artist of the Year Award- organized in Ramallah in (2014) and in London (2016); the Ismail Shammout Award group exhibition in Bethlehem (2015); Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair in Sweden (2015); Perspectives exhibition at Zawyeh Gallery in Ramallah (2015); the opening exhibition of Gallery One in Ramallah (2015); Sensorial Immunity exhibition at Gallery One in Ramallah (2017); An exhibition on the life and works of the late artist Ismail Shammout in Ramallah (2017). His latest solo exhibition was organized in Zawyeh Gallery in Ramallah (2019).

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