We All Live In Gaza

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

Curator's note: 

This poster is a remix of a World War II poster titled "We Can Do It" which may be viewed here


Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

 "You can be forgiven for being confused, but you can't  be forgiven for detaching yourself.”

John Ging, United Nations Mission Director, Gaza, 2011-2013


We All Live in Gaza is an independent cross media project being co-produced by The Inshallah Media Project in the U.S/UK. and The Media Group, Gaza City.   Key partners include We Are Not Numbers, Gaza and Washington, DC.  and the P21 Gallery, London.  
In the coming months the project will be adding additional partners and sponsors, and you can find out how to become involved by clicking the Sponsorship button your the left. 

​The online web series is available now on this site and on mobile and wireless platforms internationally.  

The feature documentary will be completed in the summer of 2021.   The arts installation launched in July of 2017, at the OXO Design Center, London to commemorate the anniversary of the 2014 bombardment of the territory.  Plans are unfolding to bring the installation to Washington, DC, New York, Brussels and other world capitols.  

Our project's mission is twofold:

To chronicle conditions on the ground as seen through the eyes of policy makers, fellow journalists, academics, and critically from Gazans themselves living under siege.

To share what we have seen and heard with you, our audience using all available media.

