We Are Not the Enemy - Original

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text




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Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Download this FREE poster I created, honoring the life of Heba Zagout, an Pa1estn1an artist who was killed with her two children by Israe1i airstrikes in their home in Gaza almost 1 month ago, on October 13th.  (Sorry that my other prints sold out fast)

I believe that life is sacred. Children are sacred. Domination and militarism destroy and devastate. The right to live free of humiliation, dehumanization, trauma, gen0cide, and starvation is a sacred human right. 

This poster was commissioned by my long-time friends, INCITE! Radical Feminists of Color Against Violence @incite_paliforce , in partnership with the Pa1estinian Feminist Collective @palestinianfeministcollective . It was over 20 years ago when I worked with my hermana, @anaclarissarojas , on a poster against the military invasion of Iraq that followed September 11th. Today she gifted me a Kufiyah, made in the last and only factory in Palestine.

May Heba’s spirit and this art compel you to rise up and speak out. Download this poster, make stickers, reproduce this art at your local copy shop. 

I am not selling this poster, this poster is a gift to all of you. Honor Heba and the thousands of mothers like her who have been murdered. 

Shout out to my friend @ernestoyerena who helped me get this piece done. May we use all our creative tools to ensure that we are demanding a cease fire, an end to occupation and speaking out against historical injustices.

